La creación de la Sala de Arqueología del Museo Municipal de «Quiñones de León»(Vigo, Pontevedra)

  1. Andrea Serodio Domínguez
  2. Eduardo Méndez-Quintas
Arqueología de los museos. 150 años de la creación del Museo Arqueológico Nacional: actas del V Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Arqueología / IV Jornadas de Historia SEHA - MAN
  1. Andrés Carretero Pérez (coord.)
  2. Concha Papí Rodes (coord.)
  3. Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero (coord.)

Publisher: Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones ; Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 101-114

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Arqueología (5. 2018. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


The creation of the Archaeological Room on the Museo Municipal «Quiñones de León» is highly linked to the figure of the archaeologist José María Álvarez Blázquez and his discovery of the epigraphic collection in Vigo’s Pontevedra St. The archaeological monographic was organised around these materials in the years following its opening in 1959, and it has been completed with new and important discoveries. Among them, we should highlight the Acheulean site of Gándaras de Budiño (Porriño, Pontevedra), one of the first excavated sites in Spain of this chronology. The location and subsequent excavation of the ancient bronze burial of Atios (Porriño, Pontevedra) is also significant, as well as its noteworthy metallic grave goods. Over the years, what had originally been exclusively an archaeological room, became a research centre where archaeological research projects of Vigo and its natural area took place.