Gestión emocional en el entorno vuca de la mano del coaching educativo

  1. Elisabeth Viviana Lucero Baldevenites 1
  2. Sonia Ivone Lucero 2
  3. Ana María Gayol González 3
  1. 1 1Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  2. 2 Asociación Argentina de Coaches Ontológicos Profesionales
  3. 3 Federación Internacional de Coaches Ontológicos Profesionales
Retos educativos para un desarrollo humano integral
  1. Esther N. Leganés Lavall (coord.)

Publisher: Adaya Press

ISBN: 978-84-124511-3-9

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 83-93

Type: Book chapter


For a long time we have observed that changes are happening rapidly in the world we inhabit, technology contributes to this change, and the pandemic made visible what perhaps at first we saw as a simple perception. In the 1990s, the word VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) was coined to describe the world. Today it has ceased to be a word to become a stage, which crosses all areas, including education. Ontological coaching in general and educational coaching in particular was born to take charge of what this world proposes and challenges us as educators: prepare ourselves and students in addition to knowledge in emotional management, and in making visible and distinguishing changes and challenges. that the VUCA world brings with it, providing them with tools, skills and competencies that strengthen them to navigate this millennium andachieve the desired future.