Joaquín Penide Durán-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (30)


  1. Anamorphic beam shaping system designed to optimize irradiance distribution in the Cofiblas process for glass nanofibers production

    Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 152

  2. Bioactive glass nanofibers: synthesis and applications

    New Trends in Smart Nanostructured Biomaterials in Health Sciences (Elsevier), pp. 351-378


  1. Bioactive glass nanofibers for tissue engineering

    Materials for Biomedical Engineering: Inorganic Micro- and Nanostructures (Elsevier), pp. 329-356

  2. Laser microdrilling of slate tiles

    Materials, Vol. 12, Núm. 3

  3. Laser surface blasting of granite stones using a laser scanning system

    Coatings, Vol. 9, Núm. 2

  4. Laser surface modification of structural glass for anti-slip applications

    Ceramics International, Vol. 45, Núm. 18, pp. 24734-24741


  1. Functionally graded 3D structures produced by laser cladding

    Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 13, pp. 169-176

  2. Increasing the hydrophobicity degree of stonework by means of laser surface texturing: An application on Zimbabwe black granites

    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 418, pp. 463-471

  3. Laser cladding of phosphor bronze

    Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 313, pp. 248-254

  4. Laser surface texturing of granite

    Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 13, pp. 687-693

  5. Production of phosphor bronze coatings by laser cladding

    Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 13, pp. 177-182


  1. High contrast laser marking of alumina

    Applied Surface Science

  2. Procesamiento de nanofibras de vidrios bioactivos con técnicas láser

    Biomateriales: diseño, producción y caracterización (Rede Galega de Biomateriais), pp. 21-32