Capítulos de libro (8) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. ChatGPT in education: an analysis of students' perceptions

    Conocimiento compartido y educación (Dykinson), pp. 522-535

  2. Collaboration as an Enabler for Digital Transformation, The Helix Paradigm

    Management for digital transformation (Springer Suiza), pp. 161-182

  3. Examining the Role of Technology Transfer on Digitalization: Consequences and Challenges

    Management for digital transformation (Springer Suiza), pp. 27-59

  4. Improving the Resilience of Seaports to the Effects of Climate Change: Port Resilience Index as a Tool for Decision-Making

    Handbook of Energy and Environment in the 21st Century: Technology and Policy Dynamics (CRC Press), pp. 376-402

  5. Mercado laboral

    Minidicionario de xustiza social (Unidade de Cultura Científica e da Innovación), pp. 42-55

  6. Pobreza

    Minidicionario de xustiza social (Unidade de Cultura Científica e da Innovación), pp. 28-41

  7. Sustainable aviation after COVID-19: Will technology save all, or a more radical change is required?

    Pandemic Recovery? Reframing and Rescaling Societal Challenges (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 286-299

  8. Sustainable aviation after COVID-19: will technology save all, or a more radical change is required?

    Pandemic Recovery?, pp. 286-299