Achegas congreso (98) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a




  2. A contact problem for viscoelastic materials with long memory involving damage

    Topics on Mathematics for Smart Systems - Proceedings of the European Conference

  3. A contact problem for viscoelastic materials with long memory involving damage


  4. A finite element method for the eddy current problem in terms of the current density. Application to nondestructive testing

    2007 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA'07

  5. A space-time model for reproducing rain field dynamics

    IET Seminar Digest

  6. Advantages in the EGR Cooler Performance by Using Internal Corrugated Tubes Technology

    SAE Technical Papers

  7. An FPGA-based system for the measurement of frequency noise and resolution of QCM sensors

    Latin American Applied Research

  8. An optimal new shielded twisted pair model to improve the electromagnetic immunity in the automotive applications

    IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

  9. Análisis numérico de un modelo de remodelación ósea

    XX Congreso de ecuaciones diferenciales y aplicaciones y X Congreso de Matemáticas aplicadas

  10. Análisis numérico de un problema de contacto viscoelástico en piezoelectricidad

    XX Congreso de ecuaciones diferenciales y aplicaciones y X Congreso de Matemáticas aplicadas

  11. Application of a reconfigurable platform for the education of electronic control loops

    IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

  12. Assessing the environmental impact of slate quarrying using Bayesian networks and GIS

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  13. Characterization of a street lighting power line when used as a communications channel in the 115 kHz band

    IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

  14. Characterization of the daily evolutions of global solar radiation and temperature in six climatic areas of the Madeira archipelago (Portugal)

    ISES Solar World Congress 2007, ISES 2007

  15. Communication framework for sensor-actuator data in mobile robots

    IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

  16. Communication networks for vehicular electronic devices

    EUROCON 2007 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool

  17. Comparativa sobre acciones en la edificación entre las normativas CTE-DB-SE-AE y la NBE-AE-88

    XI International Congress on Project Engineering: [celebrado en] Lugo, do 26-09-07 ao 28-09-07

  18. Configuration of the control system in public transport vehicles using industrial communication networks

    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings

  19. Consistency in finite strategic games with at most 2 players

    XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y de las IV Jornadas de Estadística Pública: actas

  20. Coordinated reactive compensation in a wind park

    2007 9th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, EPQU