Capítulos de libro (36) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. A utopía de Verines

    Carlos Casares: homenaxe : de amicitia (Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades), pp. 379-390

  2. Academic social networks and communication researchers from Universities in the North of Portugal: an analysis of and ResearchGate

    Media and metamedia management (Springer Alemania), pp. 405-411

  3. Academic social networks and communication researchers from universities in the north of Portugal: An analysis of and ResearchGate

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 405-411

  4. Al-Kimia: How to create a video game to help high school students enjoy chemistry

    Serious Games and Edutainment Applications: Volume II (Springer International Publishing), pp. 259-272

  5. Aprendizaje y diseño de herramientas para la creación audiovisual en nuevos medios

    Innovación docente y uso de las TIC en educación: CD-ROM (Universidad de Málaga (UMA))

  6. Architecture communication in online magazines

    Media and metamedia management (Springer Alemania), pp. 501-508

  7. Architecture communication in online magazines

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 501-508

  8. Civil Service and the Crisis: a Comparative Analysis of Iberian Countries (2008–2013)

    State, Institutions and Democracy: Contributions of Political Economy (Springer Alemania), pp. 271-292

  9. Del storytelling al storylearning: Como motivar a los alumnos de guion y diseño multimedia

    Experiencias de gamificación en aulas (Institut de la Comunicació), pp. 33-44

  10. El autotraductor como bilingüe endógeno. El caso de La otra gente, de Álvaro Cunqueiro

    Literatura mundial y traducción (Síntesis), pp. 199-207

  11. Elaboración colaborativa de contenidos a través de herramientas online en una materia de grado

    Innovación docente y uso de las TIC en educación: CD-ROM (Universidad de Málaga (UMA))

  12. Evolution of the semantic web towards the intelligent web: From conceptualization to personalization of contents

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 419-427

  13. Evolution of the semantic web towards the intelligent web: from conceptualization to personalization of contents

    Media and metamedia management (Springer Alemania), pp. 419-427

  14. Eye tracking: Methodological and theoretical review

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 317-322

  15. Eye tracking: methodological and theoretical review

    Media and metamedia management (Springer Alemania), pp. 317-322

  16. Galeguismo, franquismo e salazarismo: a colonia e os intelectuais galegos en Portugal durante a Guerra Civil española

    Os exilios ibéricos, unha ollada comparada: nos 70 anos da funación do Consello de Galiza (Consello da Cultura Galega), pp. 357-380

  17. Internet and social media in the prevention journalism discourse. A theoretical proposal and main magnitudes

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 105-111

  18. Internet and social media in the prevention journalism discourse: a theoretical proposal and main magnitudes

    Media and metamedia management (Springer Alemania), pp. 105-111

  19. Internet, mind and communication: New perspectives and challenges

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 13-18

  20. Internet, mind and communication: new perspectives and challenges

    Media and metamedia management (Springer Alemania), pp. 13-18