Book chapters (5) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Biosurfactants produced from corn steep liquor and other nonconventional sources: Their application in different industries

    Biosurfactants: Research and Development (Elsevier), pp. 129-153

  2. Hands-on Spectroscopy: LinkingResearch and Schools

    Hands-on Science: celebrating science and science education (Universidade de Vigo), pp. 276-280

  3. Promoting scientific vocations in high school students through a research project in extreme biotechnology

    Innovación en la práctica educativa universitaria (Educación Editora), pp. 695-702

  4. Role of intelligent data analysis to enhance GPR data interoperability: road transports

    Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Informed Decision Making for Civil Infrastructure (Elsevier), pp. 159-184

  5. Ángeles Sanromán Braga

    Quero ser investigadora, Universidade de Vigo 3 (Universidade de Vigo), pp. 1