Publicacions (154) Publicacions en què ha participat algun/a investigador/a


  1. A Phanerozoic gridded dataset for palaeogeographic reconstructions

    Scientific Data, Vol. 11, Núm. 1

  2. A foundation for comparative genomics and evolutionary studies in Nucella lapillus based on complete mitogenome assembly

    Marine Biology, Vol. 171, Núm. 5

  3. A methodological workflow for quantitative colouration and colour pattern comparison reveals taxonomic and habitat-level differences in the polymorphic fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra)

    Journal of Zoology

  4. A morphogenetic characterisation of a potentially dominant African marine species in Europe

    Biological Invasions, Vol. 26, Núm. 9, pp. 2811-2818

  5. A new framework on climate-induced food-security risk for small-scale fishing communities in Tanzania

    Food Security

  6. AGREEMIP: The Analytical Greenness Assessment Tool for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Synthesis

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering

  7. Adaption planning to climate change in industrial fisheries: Progress in the Basque tropical tuna fishery

    Marine Policy, Vol. 161

  8. Advancing bioenergetics-based modeling to improve climate change projections of marine ecosystems

    Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 732, pp. 193-221

  9. Agouti-Induced Anxiety-Like Behavior Is Mediated by Central Serotonergic Pathways in Zebrafish

    Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 44, Núm. 32

  10. Analyzing the effects of drought at different time scales on cause-specific mortality in South Africa

    Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 19, Núm. 5

  11. Assessing CMIP6 models in simulating meteo-oceanographic variability on Spanish continental coasts

    Ocean Modelling, Vol. 190

  12. Assessing target areas for precipitating moisture source analysis of extratropical cyclones: An analysis based on case studies

    Atmospheric Research, Vol. 310

  13. Assessing the effectiveness of marine nature-based solutions with climate risk assessments

    Global Change Biology, Vol. 30, Núm. 5

  14. Assessment of Microplastic Pollution in River Ecosystems: Effect of Land Use and Biotic Indices

    Water (Switzerland), Vol. 16, Núm. 10

  15. Assessment of the Global Relationship of Different Types of Droughts in Model Simulations Under High Anthropogenic Emissions

    Earth's Future, Vol. 12, Núm. 4

  16. Australia’s Tinderbox Drought: An extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change

    Science Advances, Vol. 10, Núm. 10

  17. Bayesian multi-proxy reconstruction of early Eocene latitudinal temperature gradients

    Climate of the Past, Vol. 20, Núm. 2, pp. 349-362

  18. Biodiversity patterns of the benthic macrofaunal communities across the intertidal sedimentary shores of two Antarctic islands

    Marine Environmental Research, Vol. 194

  19. Biomass Ash as a Substitute for Lime and Its Impact on Grassland Soil, Forage, and Soil Microbiota

    Agronomy, Vol. 14, Núm. 7

  20. Brownification in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: effect of simulated terrestrial input on the planktonic microbial food web in an oligotrophic sea

    Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 11