Reshaping mirrorsmothers and daughters in contemporary irish and galician women's poetry

  1. Pérez Tilve, Mª Teresa
Supervised by:
  1. Manuela Palacios González Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 11 July 2014

  1. María Jesús Lorenzo Modia Chair
  2. Laura María Lojo Rodríguez Secretary
  3. María Teresa Caneda Cabrera Committee member
  4. María Xesús Nogueira Pereira Committee member
  5. Ana Acuña Trabazo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 367950 DIALNET


Among the great plurality and variety of women`s voices that can be heard both in Irish and Galician women¿s poetry, I have focused my attention on those with whom I identify, because some of them belong to a generation of women who were brought up in a patriarchal-dictatorial society and have had to struggle hard to get rid of all the oppressive ideological structures that subdued women¿s lives, so that they could find their way into a professional career without renouncing to motherhood.