Estudo comparado da narrativa infantil e xuvenil de ficción científica nas literaturas galega e portuguesa

Supervised by:
  1. Blanca Ana Roig Rechou Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 15 July 2011

  1. Anxo Tarrío Varela Chair
  2. José Luis Rodríguez Fernández Secretary
  3. Jose Antonio Magalhaes Gomes Committee member
  4. Lourdes Lorenzo García Committee member
  5. Ana Margarida Ramos Committee member

Type: Thesis


Esta tese de doutoramento inscríbese nas liñas de investigación da Rede Temática Las Literaturas Infantiles y Juveniles del Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano/As Literaturas Infantís e Xuvenís do Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano (LIJMI/LIXMI) e aborda, dende unha perspectiva comparatista, o estudo da ficción científica nos polisistemas portugués e galego. Con este traballo téntase responder á necesidade de ir cubrindo baleiros e liñas deficitarias no estudo da Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil. É por iso que o corpus central desta tese está constituído polos textos de potencial recepción infantil e xuvenil, aínda que tamén se atende de modo máis sucinto a produción dirixida ao público adulto, por considerarmos significativa a comparación entre ambos sistemas. Os presupostos teóricos que serven de base a este traballo son os que se ofrecen, fundamentalmente, dende a literatura comparada ou o estudo comparativo da literatura e a teoría dos polisistemas, por usaren metodoloxías que teñen en conta o complexo sistema de relacións que se estabelecen na literatura, concibida como un fenómeno semiótico máis. Tamén se considerou acaído para esta investigación a adopción dunha perspectiva conceptual ampla da literatura pola consideración durante moito tempo da ficción científica como unha produción marxinal e ignorada polos estudos académicos, que progresivamente foi adquirindo un maior respecto e recoñecemento e mesmo exerceu unha notábel influencia sobre a literatura posmoderna. É por iso que os obxectivos que se marcaron neste traballo tentan responder á necesidade de determinar os produtos que responden ás características que definen a ficción científica en lingua portuguesa e galega, é dicir, identificar tanto a produción orixinal en cada unha destas linguas coma a traducida e tanto a dirixida ao público adulto coma ao infantil e xuvenil. Tamén se estabelece, dende o punto de vista diacrónico, cómo se configurou a narrativa de ficción científica nos polisistemas portugués e galego e se marcan as principais etapas de desenvolvemento desta produción. Finalmente identifícanse e descríbense as principais correntes temáticas e formais que se deron en cada período en ambos os dous polisistemas, observando as influencias que se perciben, as temáticas máis recorrentes e a súa adaptación ao contexto portugués e galego. Deste modo, ofrécese unha tipoloxía que favorece a sistematización das principais tendencias que se observan nunha produción caracterizada pola heteroxeneidade e a estreita vinculación co devir histórico da sociedade na que se produce e á que se dirixe. A ficción científica dirixida ao lectorado infantil e xuvenil é obxecto dunha especial atención, dado que se analiza pormenorizadamente para ver cómo se introduciron nesta produción os trazos propios da modalidade xenérica na que se inscribe, que relación manteñen co fantástico en xeral e co mítico e máxico en particular, como se levou a cabo a súa adecuación ao lectorado agardado, así como a incidencia nesta produción dos factores e axentes involucrados no sistema literario, como as institucións, a mediación e tamén a recepción e o mercado, que serven de elementos de comparación entre ambos sistemas a estudar. Asemade, tamén se atende á evolución da tradución e o seu funcionamento como elemento repertorial dentro da Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil, para ver se cubriu baleiros ou marcou vías transitadas posteriormente polos produtores de cada un dos sistemas obxecto de estudo, tendo en conta o proceso histórico e o momento no que xurdiron os transvases en cada un deles. A consideración de todos e cada un destes elementos propiciará a determinación das analoxías e diferenzas máis significativas entre a Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil de ficción científica portuguesa e galega. Comparative study of Galician and Portuguese literatures regarding children and young adults' narrative fiction This doctoral thesis is in keeping with the main lines of the research network Las Literaturas Infantiles y Juveniles del Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano/As Literaturas Infantís e Xuvenís do Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano (LIJMI/LIXMI). It deals with the study of science fiction in Galician and Portuguese polysystems from a comparative perspective. With this work it is expected to cover the necessity of filling the gaps and amending the deficit lines in the study of Children and Young Adults' Literature. For this reason, texts potentially addressed to children and youth form the central corpus of this thesis, although works addressed to adults are also treated in a shorter way as the comparison between the two systems is considered significant. The theoretical assumptions taken as a basis for this work are the ones basically offered by the compared literature or by the comparative study between literature and the polysystems theory as they both employ methodologies which take into account the complex system of relationships established in literature, this last one conceived as a semiotic phenomenon. It was also considered appropriate for this research to adopt a wide conceptual conception of literature as for a long time science fiction was thought to be a marginal output and was ignored by the academic studies, but it was progressively acquiring a higher respect and recognition, apart from having a great influence on post modern literature. For this reason, the objectives set in this work attempt to cover the need of determining the output which follows the defining characteristics of science fiction in Galician and Portuguese languages. That is to say, it is tried to identify both the original and the translated output in each of those languages, and both the works addressed to adults and the ones addressed to a children and young adults' audience. It is also established from a diachronic point of view how the fiction narrative was made up in Galician and Portuguese polysystems, and the main stages in the development of this output are laid down. To finish with, the most important thematic and formal lines of both polysystems in each different stage are identified and described, paying attention to the influences perceived, the most common thematic lines and their adaptation to Galician and Portuguese contexts. In this way, it is offered a typology which favours the systematization of the main tendencies observed in an output characterised by heterogeneity and the narrow links with the evolution of history in the society in which it is produced and at which it is addressed. The science fiction addressed to a children and young adults' readership is the focus of a special attention due to its detailed analysis in order to know how the main characteristics of its generic modality were introduced in this output; which relationship do they keep with the fantastic element in general, and with the mythical and the magical elements in particular; how it was adapted to the expected readership and the effect on this output of the factors and agents involved in the literary system, the institutions, mediation and also reception and market, all of them serving as comparative elements between both systems. Besides, the evolution of translation and its working as a repertory element in Children and Young Adults' Literature is also treated so as to see if it covers the gaps or if it follows ways formerly covered by each of the studied systems' producers, taking into account the historical process and the moment in which each of their translations appeared. The consideration of each of these elements will favour the determination of the most significant analogies and differences between Galician and Portuguese science fiction in Children and Young Adults' Literature.