Descripción de los elementos espaciales en residencias de ancianos. Estudio en el noroeste de España.
- Pino Juste, Margarita R.
- Crespo Comesaña, Julia María
- Portela Carreiro, J.
ISSN: 1697-5200, 2172-3427
Ano de publicación: 2010
Volume: 7
Número: 1
Páxinas: 61-71
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista de investigación en educación
Aims: In this paper spatial elements of public nursing homes in Galicia are analyzed. Material and method: A descriptive study of qualitative cut was carried out. Results: The facilities have good lightning and ventilation conditions. There are no HVAC systems or thermostats for automatic temperature control. The normative on accessibility and elimination of architectural barriers is fulfilled; however, there are other elements of risk. Decoration is scarce and in some moments the spaces are saturated. Conclusions: It would be necessary to design a more hospitable environment favouring communication, to install thermostats for heating control in every room, achieve a degree of healthy dampness and install protections to avoid accidents, as well as a design allowing the development of activities without fatigue, risk or lack of the necessary sensation of intimacy.
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