Giros de sentido en la formación del profesorado con nuevas tecnologías en la UNC (Argentina): investigación educativa
- Alonso Ferreiro, Almudena
- Arevalo Schilino, Jessica
- Gewerc Barujel, Adriana
ISSN: 1575-7072, 2172-7775
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 13
Pages: 217-238
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Fuentes
This paper presents some results from an evaluative research about the Project �University in the Knowledge Society. Institutional strengthening of areas dedicated to university teaching with New Technologies�, supported by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH) of the National University of Córdoba- Argentina (UNC), and coordinated by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), as a part of the University for Information and Knowledge Society (UNISIC) network. This project takes de idea of institutional strengthening objective, where technologies are not only the equipment necessary to achieve access to cultural assets circulating in the network, but also subject matter of reflection, study, research, knowledge production an review activities of the university academic task. The evaluating process was developed in two stages, the first focuses on the process. The second analyzes the impact of the project as a whole. In this article we analyze some results from the first stage of assessment focused in the teacher training program. Specifically, we will evaluate the Material Production Workshop that aims to create opportunities for higher education teachers to reflect on their teaching practices during material creating processes. Some results show that teachers perceive changes in their professional development and enhance confidence in the use of technology.
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