¿Es sostenible el sistema de Seguridad Social en España?situación actual y perspectivas

  1. Montero Muñoz, María
  2. Da Rocha Álvarez, José María
  3. Bajo Rubio, Óscar
Documentos de Trabajo ( Universidad Pública de Navarra. Departamento de Economía )

Année de publication: 1999

Número: 3

Type: Working Paper


We analyse in this paper the sustainability of the Social Security system in Spain. To this end, we examine the main components of the system's revenues and expenditures characterizing its evolution in last years, as well as those factors more heavily influencing the current configuration of the population structure in Spain, such as the evolution of life expectancy and birth rates. The evidence from the data, together with the results from the available studies on the subject, lead us to question the future viability of the system if current circumstances persist.