Investigación de Ecoloxía Escolar nunha pradaría de Zostera nolteii

  1. Sóñora Luna, Francisco 1
  2. Fernández Suárez, Emilio 2
  3. Barañano Carrión, Carlota 2
  4. Alonso Méndez, Aitor 3
  1. 1 Director de Climántica. Xefe do Departamento de Ciencias Naturais do IES Virxe do Mar. Profesor asociado da Área de Didáctica de Ciencias Experimentais da Facultade de Ciencias da Educación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
  2. 2 Facultade de Ciencias do Mar Universidade de Vigo
  3. 3 Climántica
Innovación educativa

ISSN: 1130-8656

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Respostas educativas innovadoras ao cambio climático; I-II

Issue: 29

Pages: 27-43

Type: Article


More publications in: Innovación educativa

Sustainable development goals


The present article addresses the study of the state of a Zostera nolteii meadow at the Testal’s shellfish bank (Noia, Spain). Scholars supported by scientists carried out the study. The aim of the Climantica scholar science program is to contribute to the scientific knowledge through the development of local data series of ecological interest. In this case, the relationship between the abundance of bivalves and the presence of Zostera nolteii was assessed. The main aim of this activity was to train students to scientifically explore and evaluate human impacts on the most relevant ecosystem services in their area. This collaboration between science and school, allowed students to increase their scientific skills and, at the same time, they developed bidirectional transference between science and school.The described activity focused on the relationship between the animal diversity at the Testal’s shellfish bank and the presence and distribution of Zostera nolteii, in order to understand its role in the intertidal ecosystem.

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