Psychological resilience and its relationship with satisfaction of basic psychological needs and exposure to traumatic events among the palestinian basic school students in west-bank

  1. Abualkibash, Shadi Khalil
Dirigida por:
  1. María José Lera Rodríguez Director/a
  2. Manuel Peralbo Director/a
  3. Manuel García-Fernández Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 30 de septiembre de 2019

  1. José Carlos Núñez Pérez Presidente/a
  2. María del Pilar García de la Torre Secretario/a
  3. María del Mar García Señorán Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


The main goal of this research is to discover the relationships of Psychological Resilience, Satisfying the basic psychological needs; (Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness), and Exposure to Traumatic Events among the Palestinian basic school students in West-Bank Directorates by using structural equation modeling. Moreover, this study aimed to answer this question “How satisfying the basic psychological needs and exposure to traumatic events affect the resilience among the eighth and the ninth grades students in Palestine?” The study sample were basic school students in West Bank; that consisted of 537 students; 242 were males and 295 were females and the mean of age in the sample was (14.8 ± 1.12). There were 341 (64%) of the students from villages and there were 196 (36%) students from cities. In addition, there were 268 (50%) in the eighth grade and 269 (50%) were in the ninth grade. CYRM-28 psychological resilience scale and their factors (Individual factors, Caregiving factors, and Contextual factors), Deci and Ryan's basic psychological needs (BPNs) and Checklist of Traumatic Experiences (CTE), scales were completed, and their validity and reliability were confirmed with Cronbach alpha. The present study utilized structural equation modeling (“SEM”) to test the hypothesized model about relations among latent variables for CYRM- 28, BPNs, and CTE. The current study hypothesized positive path from BPNs to Psychological Resilience and it hypothesizes positive path from exposure to Traumatic Events to Psychological Resilience. According to the SEM the two hypotheses in this study were accepted, moreover the study finds that there are high levels of satisfying basic psychological needs and psychological resilience among the Palestinians basic school students. Consequently, family and teachers ought to give an approach to meeting these needs, which has constructive outcome, for example, resilience.