Análisis de la eficacia de las acciones de juego del voleibol masculino y femenino de alto rendimiento en las fases inicial, intermedia y final de los sets

  1. Batista Sucupira, Giuliano
Supervised by:
  1. María Encarnación Garrido Guzmán Director
  2. Santiago Romero Granados Director
  3. Israel Teoldo da Costa Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 14 July 2014

  1. María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez Chair
  2. José Luis García Soidán Secretary
  3. José Antonio Arruza Gabilondo Committee member
  4. Carmen González González de Mesa Committee member
  5. Silvia Arribas Galarraga Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 367783 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


This study analyzes the efficacy of the actions during the volleyball game, comparing male and female high level volleyball teams, the study also analyzes the phases during the match. The phases are: initial (0 to 8 points), intermediary (9 to 16 points) and final (17 to the last points). Also, conducting the study of the correlations of game actions and comparisons between winning teams and losers the sets for both genders. The theoretical foundation begins with a historical synthesis of the volleyball, the general and specific concepts of the same, as well as a review of previous research on the efficacy of performance of players and team. In the second part of the methodology of the investigation showed the problem, objectives and hypotheses presented in a sample of 10,048 action; being 4466 during the men’s volleyball game and 5582 during the woman’s volleyball game. Also, the sample is the result from 74 sets during the “Superliga”, the Brazilian national volleyball club league in 2010/2011. However, the numbers do not include the 15 points sets of the tie break. It was effectively established the training and assessment of the observers using the Cohen's Kappa index for calculating reliability. Additionally, the standards of evaluation used were VIS (Volleyball Information System) from the International Federation of Volleyball (FIVB) with the data collected from the proposal. The statistics analyzes were: verification of the distribution of the dare utilizing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test that also presented the descriptive values of the efficiency of stock return game and inferential analysis used nonparametric tests for predetermined groups. For this study, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for the comparison of the three groups and the U de Mann-Withney test for the comparison of the two groups. Also, the correlation analyze was done with the Spearman (sho) test. The results reflected significant differences and correlations in actions volleyball game, comparing male and female teams. The attack from behind in women's teams showed differences between the partial sets. The reception, attack and attack from behind are relevant for the win between the teams studied. Finally, it held a discussion of the results with other studies, conclusion, future prospects and limitations thereof.