Inmigración en Cantabria y enseñanza de español: el pronombre átono en las aulas de secundaria

  1. Álvarez Collar, María Mercedes
Supervised by:
  1. María Fátima Carrera de la Red Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 08 February 2016

  1. Francisco José Zamora Salamanca Chair
  2. Lourdes Royano Gutiérrez Secretary
  3. Miguel Cuevas Alonso Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 406615 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


This doctoral thesis analyses the measures provided in the Education System of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria for teaching and learning Spanish as a second language (E/L2) in order to address the needs of all those immigrant children of compulsory school age. The research work is completed by a quantitative analysis of the use and modification of grammar rules regarding third-person unstressed personal pronoun. This analysis was carried out using four writing output samples filled out by more than one thousand students at the second stage of Compulsory Secondary Education who receive formal education at twenty-six public educational centres located in the Region of Cantabria. The following doctoral thesis is divided in six chapters: analysis of data on immigrant population in the Region of Cantabria during the last ten years; analysis of the measures for addressing diversity issues that the Regional Department for Education provides for assisting all those students of compulsory school age; analysis of some important elements involved in the teaching and learning process of a foreign language; presentation of the main characteristics of the educational centres and students that took part in this research; contrastive analysis of the use and modification of grammar rules regarding third-person unstressed personal pronoun; finally, an educational proposal whose targets are students of third year of Compulsory Secondary Education, and which includes teaching Spanish using some literary texts.