Speciation and biogeochemical processes of trace elements in a Northeastern Atlantic Region

  1. Santos Echeandía, Juan
  1. Antonio Cobelo García Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidade de Vigo

Fecha de defensa: 2009(e)ko urria-(a)k 02

  1. José Antonio Rodríguez Vázquez Presidentea
  2. Benita Pérez Cid Idazkaria
  3. Carlos Vale Kidea
  4. Juan Manuel Madariaga Mota Kidea

Mota: Tesia


[EN]This Thesis reports a detailed and extensive study of trace metal levels and processes in the Vigo Ria and its adjacent coastal waters. It has filled a lot of the gaps on trace metal research in Galician Rias, coastal and adjacent waters. In order to produce reliable results, trace metal clean techniques have been employed and the accuracy of the analytical procedures has been checked through all the work with appropriate Certified Reference Materials. The thesis is comprised of four main parts: an Introductory description of estuarine and coastal biogeochemistry, a description of the concentrations and fluxes of metals within the Vigo Ria, an examination of copper speciation and behaviour in the continental inputs and during estuarine mixing in the ria and finally a description of the impact of the sinking of the oil tanker, Prestige, on trace metals in fertile coastal waters.