Reconciling yield stability with international fisheries agencies precautionary preferencesthe role of non constant discount factors in age structured models

  1. José María Da Rocha
  2. Javier García-Cutrín
  3. María-José Gutiérrez
  4. Julia Touza

ISSN: 1988-088X

Ano de publicación: 2015

Número: 2

Tipo: Documento de traballo

Outras publicacións en: DFAE-II WP Series

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


International fisheries agencies recommend exploitation paths that satisfy two features. First, for precautionary reasons exploitation paths should avoid high fishing mortality in those fisheries where the biomass is depleted to a degree that jeopardise the stock's capacity to produce the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Second, for economic and social reasons, captures should be as stable (smooth) as possible over time. In this article we show that a conflict between these two interests may occur when seeking for optimal exploitation paths using age structured bioeconomic approach. Our results show that this conflict be overtaken by using non constant discount factors that value future stocks considering their relative intertemporal scarcity.