Valoración de la contaminación atmosférica por SO2 en la zona de Ferrol-Fene (La Coruña) mediante líquenes epifitos
- Carballal Durán, Regina
- García Molares, Aida
ISSN: 0210-9506, 2340-5074
Argitalpen urtea: 1991
Zenbakia: 16
Orrialdeak: 197-206
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Acta Botanica Malacitana
A study at the Ferrol-Fene area by means of epiphytic lichens as biological monitoring of air pollution is carried up. There were selected 24 sampling points at Ferrol town and another 5 at Fene. The used methods were the Index of Atmospheric Purity (TAP.) of Leblanc & De Sloover (1970), the qualitative scale of Hawksworth & Rose (1970) and the qualitative scale modified for Galicia of Carballal & García Molares (1987-88). Three zones of isopollution were delimited and mapped taking in account the I.A.P. and the qualitative scale modified for Galicia.