Uso y utilidad de las herramientas de gestión de la I+D+I. Un análisis empírico intersectorial en Galicia.

  1. Doiro Sancho, Manuel
  2. Fernández López, Francisco Javier
  3. González Vázquez, Beatriz
Creativity and survival of the firm under uncertainty
  1. Celant, Attilio (coord.)
  2. Iturralde, Txomin (coord.)

Publisher: Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, AEDEM

ISBN: 978-84-692-5174-4

Year of publication: 2009

Type: Book chapter


The present paper analyzes the use of different tools, techniques or methodologies employed in any of the proper activities of a R&D&I management, inspired by the series 166000 of the UNE standards, in the Galician SMEs of different industries: Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Textile Products, Printing, Chemical Industry, Wood and Furniture and Ship and Boat Building and Reparing. Also some behavioral aspects of mentioned companies in relation by the innovation process are studied.