Men in Black y Los hombres de negroel lenguaje metafórico en el discurso económico

  1. Meiriño Gómez, Jesús
Traducimos desde el sur [Recurso electrónico]: actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación : Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 23-25 de enero de 2013
  1. Amigo Extremera, José Jorge

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

ISBN: 978-84-9042-185-7

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 639-654

Type: Book chapter


Metaphors are prevalent both in our everyday discourse and in specialised articles. This paper aims at studying metaphorical language in the Spanish and English discourse of Economics, as well as analysing the differences between metaphor translation into Spanish and the way metaphors are used in the drafting of economic articles in this language. To achieve these goals, in line with previous studies (Charteris-Black and Ennis 2001; Charteris-Black and Mussolf 2003; Rojo and Orts 2010), three text corpora were created. These corpora comprise a number of economic newspaper articles in English, their translations into Spanish, and a series of newspaper articles written originally in Spanish. All articles deal with the Spanish banking system bailout. Metaphors were identified and classified manually.