La proyección de formas barrocas en los talleres ourensanos de orfebrería

  1. Ángel Domínguez López
El Barroco: Universo de Experiencias
  1. María del Amor Rodríguez Miranda (coord.)
  2. José Antonio Peinado Guzmán (coord.)

Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Córdoba ; Asociación Hurtado Izquierdo

ISBN: 978-84-617-8397-7

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 742-760

Type: Book chapter


The late connection of metalsmiths from Ourense to the typically baroque decorative forms, meant the survival of a silver-smithing linked to very purist lines during almost the XVII century, by keeping it in some pieces until XVIII development. During this century, Mannerism, which had open the way for many examples characterised by their sobriety, although with elegance, is going to be set aside by the gradual introduction of a typically baroque ornamentation. Ploriferated workshops like Manuel Ortiz`s, Benito Carballal´s, Manuel Armesto´s ones... are going to deal with the increasing demand of baroque silver-smithing in the many temples of Auriense diocese. This style is going to continue until XIX century development.