La educación y la familia en los refranes

  1. María Jesús Barsanti Vigo
La familia en la literatura infantil y juvenil: A família na literatura infantil e juvenil
  1. Ramos, Ana Margarida (coord.)
  2. Ferreira Boo, Carmen (coord.)
  3. Lorenzo García, Lourdes (coord.)
  4. Roig Rechou, Blanca-Ana (coord.)
  5. Ruzicka Kenfel, Veljka (coord.)

Verlag: Asociación Literaria Nedro

ISBN: 978-972-8952-26-6

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Seiten: 49-58

Art: Buch-Kapitel


Proverbs are considered as a compendium of wisdom that conveys in a highly synthetic way different aspects of the daily life of men and their circumstances over time, with a markedly didactic role. In this article we present and analyze the different focalizations on the basic principles of education that parents transmit to their children taking as a source the Spanish proverb tradition. Although the proverbs are conceived as timeless, their ancient origin and ancestral nature has relegated them to a situation of apparent forgetfulness in relation both to the teachings they contain and to their use in everyday speech.