Entre "pozas y presas": el principal sistema de regadío tradicional de Galiciamorfología tradicional, lucha contra la industrialización tardía gallega y regulación comunitaria de su agua

  1. Márquez Castro, Benito 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05rdf8595

Irrigation, society and landscape: tribute to Thomas F. Glick : proceedings [of the] International Conference, Valencia, September 25th, 26th and 27th, 2014
  1. Sanchis Ibor, Carles (coord.)
  2. Palau Salvador, Guillermo (coord.)
  3. Mangue Alférez, Ignasi (coord.)
  4. Martínez Sanmartín, Luis Pablo (coord.)
  5. Glick, Thomas F. (hom.)

Editorial: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia = Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-9048-274-2

Any de publicació: 2014

Pàgines: 635-649

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


This article focuses on the Galician traditional irrigation, emerged due to the need for water for meadows and lands in summertime. Specially, on the system of the so-called pozas and presas, structures arising from the need of accumulating water to make a more effective use of it. These structures, of which we know already from medieval times, have survived up to nowadays. However, its traditional morphology has undergone, especially from the mid-twentieth century, due to the Galician late industrialization, some changes that have not had the necessary respect as they are also, as well as functional goods, part of our historic and social legacy. This will be one of the aspects about which we will focus on especially on this article. Finally, we also approach on the different forms of regulation of the use of these traditional structures, which mostly have a communal dimension.