Las TIC en manos de los estudiantes universitarios

  1. Martínez Figueira, María Esther
  2. Raposo Rivas, Manuela
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa

ISSN: 1695-288X

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 165-176

Type: Article

More publications in: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa


In the first decade of century XXI the Spanish University is trying to answer two crucial aims for its development: to give answers to the social demands derived from the globalizacion of the market that generates excellent changes in the present world (Castell, 2000) and to adapt with the idea to converge towards an European Space of Superior Education. In both aspects the Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) play a fundamental role. The value the TIC has to the development of any professional activity, particularly, in the educative thing, is an unquestionable fact for being linked tools to the development of competences of cross character (González and Wagenaar, 2003) that facilitate in addition to the professional task and respond to the professional profiles of the professional titled. The actual communication is framed in a widest investigation which had the beginnings in May 2005 in the campus of Ourense and nowadays it is in full phase of development. In its, they are trying to check the technological competitions that have the futures psicopedagog@s so as the needy of formation that over this thematic they have. In this work we show a part of the obtained results in relation to the purpose of use of the technology, that is to say, so that the students of Psicopedagogia use the TIC, of this form to determine the value attributed to the playful, instrumental character, communicative and formative of the key TIC.

Bibliographic References

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  • Castells, M. (2000). La era de la información. Madrid: Alianza. 
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  • Raposo Rivas, M. y Martínez Figueira, M.E. (2006a). Dominio de las TIC por parte de los futuros psicopedagog@s de la Universidad de Vigo.I Congreso Internacional de  Psicopedagogía. Melilla: Universidad de Granada. 
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