¿Por qué casa a xente?, sobre as decisións polas que as persoas elixen siguer solteiras e non aceptar unha proposta matrimonial

  1. Giménez Fernández, Eduardo L.
Revista galega de economía: Publicación Interdisciplinar da Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais

ISSN: 1132-2799

Year of publication: 1999

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 71-88

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista galega de economía: Publicación Interdisciplinar da Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais


An economlc approach is applied to the individual behaviour in the same moment of decidíng to get married; that ís of acceptlng a marital proposítíon. This research is carried out within the framework of a search model. The factors that influence on such decision are identífíed. A theory can reproduce certaín facts of reality such as the actual high age of people when getting married and ít is extended to the case of the decision of becoming a "fiancé" or forming unmarried couples. Finally, an calibration will data from Spain 1940-1991 was performed. Takíng as assumption the fact that the percentage of married people grows at the same rata as the number o people in marriage age, a natural rate of single people was obtained