Aproximación histórica ó descorrer do mosteiro feminino de San Miguel de Bóveda na Idade Media

  1. Fernández Fernández, Adolfo
Minius: Revista do Departamento de Historia, Arte e Xeografía

ISSN: 1131-5989

Year of publication: 2004

Issue: 12

Pages: 41-71

Type: Article

More publications in: Minius: Revista do Departamento de Historia, Arte e Xeografía


The benedictine feminine monastery of San Miguel de Bóveda has been founded in 1168 by the couple Arias-Oduariz. From this moment the nun's community that was established there will be a territorial domain extended on the parishes of Chao de Amoeiro, apart from the possessions in the Miñosa banks or in the city of Chantada. So the Bóveda's monastery, with its abbesses on top, will become the most powerful proprietary of this region during more than three hundreds years. The end of the community will set San Miguel de Bóveda in the Galician medieval history as an example of a conflictive monastery in the XV century, both by the facts (annexed with another masculine monastery) and by the form (many proceedings and the monastery taken by arms).