La sinergia web-televisiónuna nueva estrategia de fidelización de las cadenas televisivas

  1. García Mirón, Silvia

ISSN: 1668-5024

Year of publication: 2008

Issue Title: Comunicación

Issue: 9

Volume: 2

Pages: 2-23

Type: Article

More publications in: Hologramática


The relation between television media and the Internet is becoming every time more important and interesting for its studio. As viewers, everyday, we discover in our televisions some unexpected calls of attention by television channels in order to direct towards their webs for searching more information, for watching the new soap opera�s chapter or even for getting a prize by our participation in a determinate contest. But the bigger innovation and attraction for this type of audience will be in offering different contents of those which we can found through our television sets: new formats for a new audience that is aimed to be under fidelization. New strategies which TV channels are following are based on this idea, since competition is becoming stronger because of technology development used in the television ambit (cable, satellite, Terrestrial Digital Television, etc.), so all the efforts are necessary. Among all of this, fidelization and synergy will become, so, in the key of the channels� present strategies in order to keep or, even better, to get more audience and to reach an image of modernity and adaptability to the new times. For this, with this study, we get to exemplify synergy web-television phenomenon, which is now a reality, through Telecinco and its digital channels in order to prove, consequently, how relations between both media are, every time, closer and almost obligatory.