Perfil del retornado de segunda generación en Galicia a través de historias de vida

  1. Pino Juste, Margarita R.
  2. Verde Diego, Carmen
Papers: revista de sociología

ISSN: 0210-2862 2013-9004

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 95

Issue: 1

Pages: 181-197

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5565/REV/PAPERS/V95N1.677 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDDD editor

More publications in: Papers: revista de sociología


This article is the result of an investigation on second generation returned emigrants in Galicia (Spain). We begin with a brief introduction, and then present a conceptual framework which includes different explanatory theories of emigrants� return, as well as some typologies to classify different kinds of return, and a generic characterization of the returned emigrants in Galicia. We also present the methological frame of the study, as a contextualization to the last part of the article where we discuss the specific results obtained in the research.

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