Autoconcepto y procesos de atribuciónestudio de los efectos de protección/riesgo frente al comportamiento antisocial y delictivo, en la reincidencia delictiva y en el tramo de responsabilidad penal de los menores

  1. Fariña Rivera, Francisca
  2. García Rodríguez, Pablo Alberto
  3. Vilariño Vázquez, Manuel
Revista de investigación en educación

ISSN: 1697-5200 2172-3427

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 7

Issue: 1

Pages: 113-121

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de investigación en educación


Literature (e.g., Andrews y Bonta, 2006; Arce y Fariña, 2007) has shown that psychosocial and biological variables act in adolescence as risk or protective factors of antisocial behavior and juvenile delinquency. In this context, a field study was designed with the aim of assessing the relationship between self-concept and attribution styles with antisocial and criminal behaviour, recidivism, and the stage of criminal responsibility according to the Spanish L.O. 5/2000. The results reported that offenders had deficits on self-concept and a bias in the attribution of responsibility to external causes, in relation with the normal population, and that those deficits were stables inside the offender population i.e., primary and recidivists, and in the primary and secondary stage of criminal responsibility.

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