Identificación del dominio de competencias digitales en el alumnado del grado de magisterio

  1. Pino Juste, Margarita R.
  2. Soto Carballo, Jorge Genaro
Education in the knowledge society (EKS)

ISSN: 2444-8729 1138-9737

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Perspectiva educativa y cultural de "juegos de rol"

Volume: 11

Issue: 3

Pages: 336-362

Type: Article

More publications in: Education in the knowledge society (EKS)


The Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) become in the information society a change agent. In this context, ICTs should become teaching tools in order to help the teacher to achieve quality education. Being aware of the importance of the teachers' mastery of the digital skills, we have conducted a study about the mastery of the ICTs that the students in the third year of the degree of teacher training of the University of Vigo have. In order to do this we have taken into account the knowledge acquired, the frequency of use of certain tools, their level of proficiency in four areas of knowledge: technological literacy, intellectual working tools, processing and dissemination of information and as communication tools. As well as their motivations, interests and obstacles found in their development in order to develop proposals for initial training. We can conclude that, in general, students do not have a specific training on the use of computers. About the degree of knowledge in the different skills, the students know the most basic and commonly used (open or download a file, create or print a document, install a program or send an e-mail). They usually use the mail as a working tool, while the messaging and social networks are more used for leisure time. Their attitudes towards ICTs are very positive and their motivations are focused essentially on the technologies which are useful for improving their learning and for their professional future.

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