From brand placement to tourism product placementfiction series as promotional support of tourism destinations

  1. Araújo Vila, Noelia
  2. Fraiz Brea, José Antonio
Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal

ISSN: 2174-548X

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 114-136

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal


Fiction series are an audiovisual product which is part of a major industry, entertainment industry. Every day more consumers spend much of their free time to the consumption of such products, which is reflected in the notable increase in downloads and audiences. Therefore, many industries have decided to use audiovisual series as advertising, being one tourism sector. There are many destinations worldwide who have decided to set in a fiction series, thus being viewed by thousands of spectators, which has resulted in increases in visitors. Finally, in order to facilitate visits by tourists through recording areas, tourism products have also emerged related to the series, the movie maps of series.

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