El fenómeno 2.0 en el sector turístico.

  1. Domínguez Vila, Trinidad
  2. Araújo Vila, Noelia
Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

ISSN: 1695-7121

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 10

Issue: 3

Pages: 225-237

Type: Article

DOI: 10.25145/J.PASOS.2012.10.031 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRIULL editor

More publications in: Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Sustainable development goals


Today, Internet is a key element in any activity that is constantly changing and requires constant updating. One of the latest developments has been the web 2.0, which allows direct interaction and feedback to the user, being its main focus the publication of opinions and exchange of information. The Tourism Sector, like any society, has also been involved in these changes, presenting an opportunity and a competitive advantage to be working with tools to communicate with the user. One of the big bets has been made by Madrid Community, through its web www.turismomadrid.es. This paper seeks to analyze the current role of Internet, Web 2.0 and social networks and the role they are playing in relation to tourism and to verify through a comparison with tourist sites in other communities, whether Madrid case is shown as the principal model of proactive strategy, like they wanted on the initial objectives.

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