Facilitación del conocimiento alfabético en preescolar a través del entrenamiento en codificación, grafomotricidad y lectura.

  1. Alfonso Gil, Sonia
  2. Deaño Deaño, Manuel
  3. Almeida, Leandro S.
  4. Conde Rodríguez, Ángeles
  5. García Señorán, María del Mar

ISSN: 0214-9915

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 24

Issue: 4

Pages: 573-580

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicothema


The goal of the present study is to analyze the influence of training in initiation to learning reading. Participants in the study were 144 preschool children from four public schools of Galicia, from a rural area of the Region of Paradanta. Out of the total sample, 72 were assigned to the experimental groups and 72 to the control groups. The design was pretest-posttest with randomized participants. Reading skills were measured with the Visual Recognition and Grapheme-Phoneme Conversion Test (TECOL).The data was analyzed with repeated measures analysis of variance. Training significantly increased the reading skill scores of the experimental groups, compared to the control groups. The program has shown a triple interaction between Measure Training × Level School. This means that there was significant variation in mean scores of reading skills as a result of training and according to the different school levels. It is concluded that the basic reading skill to develop in early childhood education is the identification and naming of letters.

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