Análisis del perfil de usuario de un centro Nordic Walking que incorpora las nuevas tendencias en el wellness

  1. Martínez Lemos, Rodolfo I.
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Nummer: 30

Seiten: 73-84

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: European Journal of Human Movement


Nordic Walking is walking with the aid of two poles specially designed and making a rhythmic movement of arm swing, very similar to normal gait cycle but of greater amplitude. As overall exercise activates a large number of muscle groups, however its practitioners refer low-perceived effort. Probably these features explain, in part, that Nordic walking has become in the last decade in the wellness trend fastest growing in Europe. Since 2006, Spain has a stable job training and learning resources for your practice, but little is known about the profile of their applicants. The launch of the first Nordic Walking Municipal Center has allowed a first approximation. This study aimed to describe the characteristics that define the new user profile. In conclusion, the female predominance and the average age of the group (> 40 years) observed, consistent with the results of previous studies in other European countries.

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