A Panorama on Energy Taxes and Green Tax Reforms
- Gago Rodríguez, Alberto
- Labandeira Villot, Xavier
- López Otero, Xiral
ISSN: 0210-1173
Ano de publicación: 2014
Número: 208
Páxinas: 145-190
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics
This article provides an overview of specific and systemic applications of energy taxes and environmental(or green) tax reforms. To do so it combines a theoretical and empirical assessment of the literature, with anon-exhaustive description of the practice of these instruments and packages in the real world. Besidesyielding a comprehensive approximation to the specific and systemic use of energy taxes, the paper con-tributes to the research in this area by reflecting on the present and future of these instruments in a particu-larly shifting world.
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