Neurociencias aplicadas al análisis de la percepciónCorazón y emoción ante el Himno de Ecuador

  1. J Rúas-Araújo 1
  2. M I Punín Larrea 2
  3. H Gómez Alvarado 3
  4. P Cuesta-Morales 4
  5. S Ratté 5
  1. 1 Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación. Universidad de Vigo (España)
  2. 2 Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL, Ecuador)
  3. 3 Departamento de Computación y Electrónica. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL, Ecuador)
  4. 4 Escuela de Informática de la Universidad de Vigo (España)
  5. 5 Laboratorio de Ingeniería Cognitiva Semántica. Escuela Tecnológica Superior (ETS) de Montreal (Canadá)
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social

ISSN: 1138-5820

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Nummer: 70

Seiten: 401-422

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2015-1052 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Latina de Comunicación Social


Introduction: The use of neuroscience methods, tools and techniques has become widespread in recent decades, and the prefix “neuro-” is now applied to disciplines such as the social sciences and communication as a consequence of the understanding that health and medicine are socially constructed. Method: This article analyses the impact of listening to Ecuador’s national anthem sung in different languages on a group of Ecuadorian university students based on the analysis of the physical and emotional changes (heart rate and facial expression, respectively) these students experience while listening to the different versions of the anthem. Results and conclusions: The heart rate variability results are not statistically significant and there are only minor differences in the perception of the anthem across gender groups. The analysis of facial expressions revealed an evolutionary sequential emotional pattern that involves “surprise and joy”, that is to say, a feeling of satisfaction.

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