Consumo combinado de tabaco y cannabis: una revisión de los factores de riesgo familiares
- Isorna Folgar, Manuel
- Amatller Gutierrez, Otger
ISSN: 0213-7615
Any de publicació: 2017
Número: 42
Pàgines: 11-28
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista española de drogodependencias
The objective of this review has been the search and identification of variables and/or characteristics of family functioning that affect the consumption of tobacco and cannabis of the younger members of the family. Although there are several theories and models that explain the consumption of tobacco and cannabis (separately or jointly) by the youngest, family risk factors play a decisive role in the consumption of both substances. Discrimination among adolescents who consume more or less tobacco and cannabis is based on a family education without well-established norms, the existence of consumption of both substances by their parents, poor interaction with parents (especially with the mother), Low identification with parents and poor family cohesion. In addition, the family determines many of the biographical factors of adolescent life. As for gender differentiation, girls smoke more tobacco than boys often to cope with stress, the greater level of conflict with parents and even as an instrumental method to increase self-esteem. Boys smoke more cannabis, in most cases mixed with tobacco, for the perception of low danger and easy accessibility. Finally, the higher frequency of cannabis use is related to a higher frequency of tobacco use, and vice versa, ie, the consumption of any of the substances is a significant predictor of the consumption pattern of the other substance.
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