Levitas Animi

  1. María José Bravo Bosch
Glossae: European Journal of Legal History

ISSN: 0214-669X 2255-2707

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 14

Pages: 1008-1031

Type: Article

More publications in: Glossae: European Journal of Legal History


The woman in ancient Rome suffered a derogatory and discriminatory language that sought the submission of the female collective to man in the Roman world. Derogatory adjectives regarding female incapacity and the weakness of her spirit make clear to us the position of women, subject to perpetual tutelage with a man as tutor who must lend her auctoritas to certain legal acts, in a space dominated by patriarchal society. The lawyer Gayo was the only one who instead of using the words imbecillitas sexus or infirmitas used the expression levitas animi to express the feminine condition, but this does not mean that he was a clear defender of women. Finally, we will make a brief tour of the current Spain to highlight the need to continue fighting for effective parity through a clear and coherent inclusive language that allows the attainment of the long-awaited equality.

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