El analisis del rendimiento en los deportes de equipo. Algunas consideraciones metodológicas

  1. Carlos Lago Peñas

ISSN: 1989-2837

Datum der Publikation: 2008

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 41-58

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Acciónmotriz


The analysis of performance is vital in team sports if the individual/team is to be successful. For many coaches the information gained from performances will not only form the basis of weekly training programmes, but also may act as the primary source for the scheduling of seasonal plans. Match analysis refers to the objective recording and examination of behavioural events occurring during competition. Probably, the main aim of match analysis when observing one’s own team’s performance is to identify strengths, which can then be further built upon, and weaknesses, which suggest areas for improvement. Likewise, a coach analysing opposition performance will use data to try counter opposing strengths and exploit weaknesses (Hughes & Bartlett, 2002). The aim of this paper is to analyze the factors that should be addressed by researchers in order to understand the performance in team sports.