La posesiónrelación jurídica universal de equidad

Revista General de Derecho Romano

ISSN: 1697-3046

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 31

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Derecho Romano


Our work goes to determine the profiles of two juridical spheres. The first one is the sphere of the possession, governed by the natural law. The second one is the sphere of the domain, governed by the ius civile12. Possession is natural power of equity over the thing. Property is power and civil authority over the thing. On the same thing, natural law makes one own and civil law makes another one owner13. The owner has action against the holder and possessor of the thing to claim their property. Civil law cannot destroy natural law14. Natural law can destroy civil law15. The domain cannot destroy the natural possession of equity. The natural possession of equity can destroy the civil domain. Natural possession is superior to civil domain. The legal possession of equity is, like the natural law, immutable and eternal. The civil domain is mutable and outdated. However, Cicero argued that the civil legal field should not be separated from equity16. In the universe of these two worlds there is located the bridge, which was constructed by materials of the ius naturale (capere, usus and tempus) by the law of Twelve Tables and the old Roman jurisprudence (the one who already understood well the existence of both spheres), of the usucapion17. This nature of the possession explains the classic separation property - possession, the different respective defense of both (in rem actions and the interdicta) and the birth of the usucapion, as juridical way that connected to both worlds.

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