Cortos de animación en la red para todos los públicos y génerotemáticas y roles de siempre contados como nunca
Universidade de Vigo
ISSN: 2605-1982
Ano de publicación: 2019
Título do exemplar: Gender and citizenship issues in film discourse
Volume: 2
Número: 2
Páxinas: 249-265
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Comunicación y Género
This paper discusses the tales narrated by four animated short films. Purl (2019) and Kitbull (2019) by Pixar were produced under the Sparkshorts programme, One Small Step (2018), created by the incipient Taiko Studios, and Hé Mademoiselle (2015), elaborated by a group of graduated students from the French Superior Arts and Crafts College (ESMA). These four works share a set of features, despite their diverse background, among which the tackling of gender-based-themes calls for accurate analysis. The plot of each story deals with the feminine world but in a manner never told before. This paper will focus on the narration based on gender to reveal up to what point each story can break down old gender stereotypes and teach a lesson to new generations centred on YouTube.
Referencias bibliográficas
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