Hippocampal and cerebellar histological changes and their behavioural repercussions caused by brain ischaemic hypoxia experimentally induced by sodium nitrite

  1. Ribeiro, M.C.
  2. Bezerra, T.D.S.
  3. Soares, A.C.
  4. Boechat-Ramos, R.
  5. Carneiro, F.P.
  6. Vianna, L.M.D.S.
  7. Faro, L.R.F.
  8. Silva, M.V.D.
  9. Vieira, M.P.
  10. Monteiro, I.D.O.
  11. Ferreira, V.M.
Behavioural Brain Research

ISSN: 1872-7549 0166-4328

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 332

Pages: 223-232

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.BBR.2017.06.008 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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