Stability Analyses Of Footwall Slopes In Open Pit Mining

  1. Leandro R. Alejano Monge 1
  2. Abel Sánchez Juncal 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Vigo, España. Geociencias. Medio- Ambiente. Tecnologías
DYNA: revista de la Facultad de Minas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín

ISSN: 0012-7353

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Alea: 77

Zenbakia: 161

Orrialdeak: 61-70

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: DYNA: revista de la Facultad de Minas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín


In this paper we analyse different failure mechanisms typically associated to footwall slopes, in order to evaluate its stability using the numeric code UDEC. These results will then be analysed and contrasted against the “Limit Equilibrium Method” (LEM) to determine the use of UDEC as a valid tool in footwall slope analysis. Two real cases, where the footwall slope failure took place through complex mechanisms, are finally analysed using UDEC.