Side-scan angular setup influence in the detection of posidonia oceanica fields

  1. Sletten, M. N.
  2. Espinosa Roselló, Víctor
  3. Sánchez-Carnero, Noela
  4. Freire, J.
Tecniacústica 2009

Éditorial: Sociedad Española de Acústica

ISBN: 84-87095-17-8

Année de publication: 2009

Titre du volume: Comunicaciones. Hidroacústica

Volumen: 10

Congreso: Congreso Español de Acústica ; Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica (40. 2009. Cádiz)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


Low density biomass, as Posidonia Oceanica prairies, has shown to be a challenging backscattering target. As Posidonia is a crucial part of the seabed ecosystem, evaluation of seabed areas with its presence is becoming an important issue, and it has turned a strong motivation for our study. We analyse alternative side-scan transducer setups, comparing existing single beam echosounder and side-scan methods. In this context we are investigating the use of a vertical mounted side-scan transducer, where the downward bound of the main lobe is near the vertical with a width of 50º towards the horizontal. The initial attempts shows to be promising, gaining spatial resolution and increase in effective detection cross section, compared with traditional narrow single beam echo sounders and grazing side-scan sonar.