Tourism ambassadors as special destination image inducers

  1. Jean Claude Morand
  2. Lucília Cardoso
  3. Alexandra Matos Pereira
  4. Noelia Araújo Vila 1
  5. Giovana Goretti Feijó de Almeida
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal

ISSN: 2174-548X

Any de publicació: 2021

Número: 1

Pàgines: 194-230

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.33776/ET.V11I1.5137 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openArias Montano editor

Altres publicacions en: Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal

Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible


The image of destinations is a key factor when it comes to positioning and attracting the attention and interest of potential tourists. That being, the subject matter is relevant to experts and academics as well as destination managers looking for new alternatives to generate greater impact and influence. Today, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is widespread in all areas of life, being also useful and fully adopted in tourism image projections, mainly through social networks. Accordingly, this article focuses on the figure of the tourism ambassador as a diffuser or enhancer of the image of a tourism destination, particularly through the use of an appropriate web platform created by the French tourism destination authority—the Ambassadeurs Savoie Mont Blanc. To understand the repercussions of this initiative, a content analysis of its official Facebook page is made, studying variables such as fans, content and engagement.

Informació de finançament

This research is financed by national funds through FCT - Foundation for

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