Métodos e estratexias para traduci-las lexías complexas. O caso dos refráns

  1. Áurea Fernández Rodríguez 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05rdf8595

Viceversa: revista galega de traducción

ISSN: 1135-8920 1989-2853

Year of publication: 2001

Issue: 7-8

Pages: 51-70

Type: Article

More publications in: Viceversa: revista galega de traducción


The translation of proverbs poses relevant problems due both to their defining properties and to the fact that they are intertextual categories fitted into other texts. The discussion of particular theories offers a theoretical base for finding the more adequate solutions and for achieving communicative equivalence. It has to be borne in mind, anyhow, that different texts pose different problems and that man y texts rnake it necessary to recal I the whole communicative content of a text. When choosing «equivalences» for the target text (TT) the translator must take into consideration the context in which these «intertexts» are included. Their meaning is subordinated to the author's intention -that is, the global rethorical intent of a given text-, but also to the proverb' s function in the specific sequence it occupies inside the set of blocks that forrn a docu-rnent and to the TT's acceptability within the target culture. The Galician translation of a text from the french paper Le Fígaro con-taining severa! examples of proverbs is taken as a starting point to introduce our thesis and the subsequent discussion. We will show that the constraints mentioned above point to certain interpretations and preclude others. It is not therefore a question of one single possible equivalence but of finding the rnost adequate and acceptable one according to the communicative intent. This analysis will show that a set of well calculated strategies will allow us to achieve an acceptable communicative equivalence. The complete sequence of proverbs we are dealing with con tributes to the structural pattern ofthe text and is in harmony both with the global purpose ofthe ST and with the TT' s acceptability in the targtet culture, that is, the Galician culture.

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