A presenza da música nas historias de Galicia publicadas no Século XIX. A busca dunha identidade
- 1 Conservatorio Superior de Música de Vigo; Universidade de Vigo
ISSN: 1647-3558
Datum der Publikation: 2020
Titel der Ausgabe: ERAS |42.ª Edição
Ausgabe: 11
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 58-66
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: ERAS: European Review of Artistic Studies
In the nineteenth century, there was a paradigm shift in history books published in Galicia; change that would be influenced by the incorporation of new romantic ideas and the emergence in the 40s of provincialism. This new time begins with the History of Galicia by Verea e Aguiar (1838), who exposed through his work a new vision of Galician history marked by the appearance of Celtism, having Manuel Murguía as the most representative. These historical accounts not only focused on historical facts, but also seeked to collect "traditions" and "customs", in line with what was already happening in other European countries, and which would be known as "Folklore". Then, within these "customs" there will be references to music and dance, which will be treated very differently by the authors.
Bibliographische Referenzen
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- Verea y Aguiar, J. (1838). Historia de Galicia. Primera parte, que Comprende los Origenes y Estado de los Pueblos Septentrionales y Occidentales de la España Antes de su Conquista por los Romanos. Ferrol: Imprenta de D. Nicasio Taxonera.
- Vicetto, B. (1865). Historia de Galicia (Tomo I). Ferrol: Nicasio Taxonera.