Understanding hunter-gatherers behaviour through the macro-fractures analysis of lithic backed points

  1. Ruta, Giancarlo
Dirigida por:
  1. Marta Arzarello Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 26 de mayo de 2021

  1. Margherita Mussi Presidente/a
  2. Eduardo Méndez Quintas Secretario
  3. Andreu Ollé Cañellas Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 706055 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The application of a robust methodology is a fundamental precondition to get reliable information in every scientific investigation, in particular in prehistoric archaeology where it is easy to make mistakes on the interpretation level. The main goal of this work is to understand the role of the hunter-gatherers after the Last Glacial Maximum and during the Late Glacial in a given area, through the functional analysis of the archaeological lithic materials, in order to give a glimpse of the function of the sites in a period of rapid climate and environmental changes. The Epigravettian sites of Grotta di Pozzo in the Central Italy and Riparo Villabruna in the North Italy have been investigated on the lithic point of view, as to individuate possible projectile points used during hunting activity. This contribution offers detailed information about hafting technologies and hunting techniques, giving a wide framework of knowledge and practical skills of the inhabitants. The research project introduces unique aspects that have never been investigated before for the considered sites. The systematic adoption of the experimental archaeology is innovative, and there have been tested specific and mostly unknown aspects about the use of lithic tools. The data coming from the large literature and the unexpected results are crossed together as to understand the hunting strategies, the behaviour, the movements, the seasonal settlements and the possible connection between human groups in this large area of North-Central Italy at the end of Pleistocene.